AAM Aurat

For far too long, the mango women of INDIA have been left out in the cold! Now we see all the political parties of country are targeting the Aam Aurat of country as their new vote banks. This is due to the rising graph of number of women voters in the country. In the recently concluded Assembly elections, there was a fractional difference between male and female voters in Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. In both states, the increase in the percentage of women voting has been remarkable. And the similar pattern is expected throughout the country, in the impending Lok Sabha Elections.
Women could support a party in large numbers, but only if a party is able to win their trust. That is why we find these days, all the political parties are making women-issues an important part of their political agendas, whether it is Rahul Gandhi talking about women empowerment for about 25 times in his interview or BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi to hold his famous Chai Pe Charcha on women of the country or AAP fielding more and more women candidates to woo the women voters of the country. Some are purposing women reservation bill, while others are talking about women education. After the horrific gang rape of Delhi based college-student last year, the conscience of people of country has shaken to such an extent that now gender-based issues are handled with much more seriousness in this country than before. With all this rising clamor in the country and observing that women issues are now becoming an important part of the political agendas also Aam Aurat of the country is also pinning down her hopes in this changing system. She wants a change now that is real and effective. She wants no more excuses or sugar-coated promises. She wants safety so that she can safely step out of her home. She wants an assurance not to be raped, molested, attacked, teased, kidnapped, taunted, touched, abused or murdered. She wants equal opportunities for her whether it is in corporate world, politics or in this society as a whole. She wants a sea-change or more appropriately a she-change in the country’s public life.
All the political parties are now obliged to be far more proactive when it comes to women’s issues. Of course it is far more easily said than done. But now it is the responsibility of the party leaders to make India a level play field where both AAM Admi and AAM Aurat can live happily together
. ————- ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is contributed by Aaina Kapur, our intern.