A Letter To My Future Husband

Dearest Soulmate,
One fine day, my surroundings made me aware about the existence of marriage as an essential dharma. From then on, I have started to ponder on your possible existence. A number of insecurities entangle my heart and brain and I fail to paint your entire picture. I do not belong to the breed of women who have the privilege of falling in love before marrying and so I believe I should have the privilege at least to choose what I don’t want you to be. Love can only grow, if we allow ourselves to grow in a relationship. Stagnancy is denounced in anything and in marriage as well. I would not want you to be stagnant in our love life. It would be beneficial if you grow and allow me to grow. I do not want you to be a NASA scientist, but I expect you to understand my feelings and to reciprocate my love because indifference is worse than enmity. I do not want you to make a separate home for us, I only want you to expand the word family and include my family in it too. I do not want you to give up your bachelor days; all I want is that your married life should exhilarate you. I want space for both of us because solitude makes us realize the importance of another Homo sapien. I don’t want much from you, but a look of respect for all ladies. Lastly, I agree that money is important but money cannot buy love. You are lucky to read this. It just means that my parents got successful in their effort.
With Love, Your Soulmate.
About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Shristi Banerjee.