Why #MeToo didn’t make it to the headlines before!
Sexual Harassment and eve teasing which is described as: unwelcome sexual gesture or behaviour whether directly or indirectly such as sexually coloured remarks, showing pornography, physical contact and advances, demanding/requesting for sexual favours; any other unwelcome physical, non-verbal and verbal conduct being sexual in nature, passing sexually offensive comments or any other such behaviour.
Sexual harassment with girls are very common these days and are always in news, but still the condition is the same. A lot of such cases are directed towards woman by men working at high position in any company/organization. But this problem does not only lie in big companies, offices but they are very openly taking place with household workers too. Also, this can and usually occurs on roads, in homes, infant anywhere and everywhere but a lot of them are not as openly known to us as Tarun Tejpal’ case because women have been told to stay quiet. They are taught to bear sexual harassment cases to protect themselves and their families from insult. And hence, women since ages are taking this baggage.
What I fail to understand is that – Why is the harassed insulted and not the harasser?
It’s time now that we as women break the glasses of silence and raise our voice against violence. A lot of women these days are coming forward with real stories of sexual violence with #MeToo. You should too!
Write to us at info@respectwomen.co.in if you have stories to share. We will share it with the world.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Shail Jaiswal, our intern.