5 New Year Resolutions Every Girl Should Make For 2018!

Weight loss, healthy diet and fewer hook-ups are passe. As 2018 arrives, time now to take some serious resolutions. Here are a few resolutions that every girl should make and follow throughout 2018.
Repeat after me, “I will follow this.”
1. Stop apologizing for everything:
Start doing things you love and wanted to do since forever, and stop apologising for things you aren’t even responsible for!
2. Break the rules:
If you wish to wear something bold, let no one stop you. Rock a bold lip shade to work, have fun experimenting with your hair. Break the
rules or miss the fun!
3. Exercise for yourself:
Just because the other guy ditched you because of your weight, don’t exercise. Exercise because you want to stay fit and healthy.
4. Set out of your comfort zone:
Embrace your flaws, do what makes you uncomfortable but you wanted to do it ever since, rock the styles you’ve been afraid to try!
5. Don’t Self-Deprecate:
Stop looking yourself the way everyone looks at you. Be a step further or two or three. Be confident but not over-confident. Time to stop pitying yourself, because you deserve everything, woman!