”Working v/s Housewives”

It’s the idiosyncratic character of men to choose an outgoing girl as their girlfriend and a conservative one as their better-half in life. It’s pretty awkward how people choose girls for each part of their life. I was watching a movie named Cocktail and idea of penning down my opinion clicked my mind. I was occupied with the thought of earning my bread all by myself, experiencing every single thing in life, doing all possible mistakes and learn from them, and make myself a better human being for tomorrow. But when I was watching the movie, I was perturbed by the concept the movie portrayed.
What I inferred out of the movie was that a man marries a woman who cooks for him and follows all the traditional conservative nature an Indian girl is brought up with. It made me fall out of place for few moments but then I realized what kind of impact it leaves on the other girls who want to experience life their way. It’s not a product of someone’s imagination; it has its existence in an Indian community still today. I wonder what they want in their life, a woman with whom he can share all the problems of life including professional ones or a woman with whom he can only get to have all the pleasures of life.
Both traditional and non-traditional girls are worth having a single man in their life. They are even willing to change their way of living for that man, but instead what they get is this distinction. What if we distinguish a man by their salary and looks and not for their affection towards us or else by their cooking abilities, considering the fact that now-a-days guys can cook as well? How will it feel? Freakish, right? Boys, change your mind set before it becomes too late and embrace her with all your love.
— About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Amrita Dasgupta.