”Don’t call us the weaker sex”

Well, this is 21st century and women are still considered as the weaker section of the society. There’s no perfect reason for this kind of suppression. Women are the most exploited beings. Rape, molestation, sexual assault, dowry death, harassment, human trafficking and cruelty—they are subject to all of these and many other atrocities. There are thousands of cases where women are being tortured ruthlessly. Even when a woman is raped, she is the one who is questioned and blamed. Even now, women are questioned whenever they reach home late and they are expected to place their character certificates at the time of their marriage. It’s considered as the duty of women to serve their husbands.
Women have to face the difficulties by others. However, they are considered to be inefficient to face the practicalities of life. Why women are always classified as the weaker sex? May be, that’s because they themselves let others feel so. When a husband tortures his wife after getting drunk and when it becomes an everyday routine, why do the wives let them do it? Why do they take the pain as if it’s a part of their life, as if it’s their duty to face it? Is it their duty to undergo the process of cruelty? They should understand that they are free human beings; they are not born to suffer. They have the right to live freely like any other man has. They too have their own life. They should break off their shells and face the world bravely. They should unite together and fight the battle.
If a couple breaks of, separates or gets a divorce, why is the woman always blamed? If a husband is unfaithful to his wife then who should be blamed?Don’t consider yourselves inferior, you are strong enough and you should know your strength. You bear all the labour pains to deliver a child; in fact a pain that is way beyond a man’s imagination. If you can go through that excruciating process then you can also stand up and defend yourself. You don’t always need a man to protect you!
— About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Amrita Dasgupta.