Women who stare back at Men!

There’s not one woman in this country who can walk on the road without being stared at! There isn’t one man left who hasn’t stared at a woman from top to bottom. It’s not just ridiculous but annoying to have random men just stare at your privates.
Do we, women stare at your face and penis simultaneously? Well, I’m pretty sure we don’t. So, why is it that you think with your penises and not with your heads when it comes to women? Travelling in buses, walking on the streets, travelling in an auto or even when you’re driving your own car, men just look at women like they haven’t seen them before! Besides, looking is a different thing, but staring, and not even at the face but at your cleavage. Now, the only defense men make is that women wear provocative clothes. But come on, being a girl, and having random men stare at my chest, even when I’m wearing a Rock Band T-shirt, is ridiculous. Even when I’m wearing a sweatshirt, do you have to look at my chest even when you can’t see anything? No, I’m not just talking about the 0 size figures with curves, but even the twigs who only have bones, and the fat ones too. I mean, seriously? We women still don’t know why you stare at us and for what good? So, we decide to let it be and ignore! But how much can we ignore? Everything has a limit. So, we carry pepper spray in our bags, as our best self defense. Some women actually grow their nails because they think that scratching men who harass you on the streets is the quickest way of getting away. But if staring is one of the basic problems for our women today, we’re just going to stare back at those drooling dogs. Yes, I’d call them drooling dogs because, once a dog, always a dog. You stare at us; we’re just going to stare back at you till you look somewhere else. You stare at our chest, we’re going to check you out and make a disgusted face at you too. You look at our accessories we’re going to ask you what your problem is, in public. We’re just going to stare back at you. Stare back, until you look down in shame, until you look away with guilt, until you look at yourself in embarrassment.
It’s simple, if you’re going to stare at us, we’re just going to stare back at you, because ignoring doesn’t help and because ignoring will only make you dogs stare even more. So, don’t think we’re staring back only for you to feel we’re interested! Don’t you ever have that disgusting misconception in your head, because we will stare back only to show our disgust. We will stare back only to show you how it feels to be scanned or X-Rayed in public, so that you know what you’ve done is wrong indeed.
————– About the Author: This article is contributed by Sonia David, our Intern. Sonia is a funky and sweet girl who is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communicative English from Jyoti Nivas College, Autonomous in Bangalore. She loves writing, sketching and reading. She believes that women deserve much more and together, women can turn the world right side up!