Women: A Mystery? Not Anymore.

Some men think that understanding women is much more difficult than solving a maths problem. Well, it may be difficult to understand women but not as difficult as a maths problem. We can get a bit difficult to handle sometimes, we may say something but our actions completely contradict our words. For example, if a girl says “Do what you want!” you should never do what you want. She said so because she wants to know whether or not you do it.
All we women need in a guy is loyalty and he has to be trustworthy. We females grow up watching Disney movies; we still watch them even if we’re grown up. Hence, we have a lot of expectations from our partner. We wait for a Prince Charming who will come on a white horse and will take us away from our world to his. We expect a lot; which we shouldn’t, but we do anyway! So, here are a few pointers that you need to remember if you don’t want to lose that one girl you have dreamt your future with:
- You should always cherish her.
- Accept her the way she is, don’t try to change her habits or mold her habits according to you.
- Give her some space. Be protective of her but not over protective.
- We basically want guys to do cute things for us.
- So when you are going out on a date, make a plan. Don’t just ask “what do you wanna do?” I mean come on! It’s a date! Make a plan for her.
- Give her cute flowers, click loads of cute pictures with her.
- Remind her she is beautiful every once in a while when she has made up her mind that she isn’t. She will deny it a lot of times but that is only because she wants you to assure her that she is really pretty.
- Respect her.
- Treat her like you would want your daughter to be treated. She is somebody’s daughter after all.
- Listen to her, don’t just hear. Sometimes she just wants somebody to listen to her.
- Hug her if she cries.
You basically will have to be really sure of what you speak. Do not speak anything that you don’t mean; because she might do something stupid like believe it. And most importantly, don’t lose her. Because you just might regret losing her for the rest of your life.
I don’t think you need a book this huge as shown in the picture to understand a woman. It is actually very simple. We just tend to complicate it sometimes like we do with some situations in our life.
About the Author: This article is contributed by Anam Shaikh, our Intern.