Why Relationships Scare Me?

Relationships are no longer maintained because they bring happiness and fulfillment to oneself rather they have become a sort of social symbol for our generation. An assurance that you are worthy enough for someone else’s thoughts and time. Many of us just want to be in a relationship for the sake of it and forget that the person on the other end may genuinely like us and thus end up hurting others and sometimes maybe ourselves in the process. At this point in our lives when we are so busy making our careers, trying to find anything and everything that can help us secure a good job, relationships seem to suck the time and energy out of us. And then some people let their damn relationships define them. All they do, all they think is just for their significant other. I know it’s just me being a cynic but it scares the hell out of me to think that the sole purpose of a person’s existence is to live for someone else. Or maybe it’s the fact that a relationship puts an individual in a position of vulnerability. A place where we may get too dependent upon someone that it may become difficult for us to think about a life without him. Sometimes it feels that after we get into a relationship, we are not able to give enough time to our family and friends. It’s not that the couples are not happy, or they are missing something but being single is sometimes just way more awesome. You are not answerable to anyone, can go wherever you like whenever you like, with whomever you like. But, you know what; it may feel like we don’t want a relationship because of the above stated reasons but what we really are afraid of is CHANGE. Our habits change, our way of thinking change, our dreams, goals, priorities anything and everything we thought define us changes. We are not seeing the world from our eyes only but our significant others views and thoughts also matters. We take our decisions; we make our choices considering their effect on our relationship. We so effortlessly transform from “I” to “WE” that it makes us afraid to let us fall freely in love with a person. But, we often forget that if we don’t allow ourselves to fall how can we check – if someone is standing there, waiting to catch us? So if you find someone worth your time maybe give him a chance – I agree that a relationship is not a bed of roses but even if it doesn’t make you happy it will teach you a lot of stuff. You will become a more mature and responsible version of yourself and trust me even if your relationship doesn’t make you something your breakup surely will. Thus, embrace the change and who knows maybe you might get a happily ever after because not every relationship is set to doom and because sometimes change is not a requirement but a necessity.
———— ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Pragya Dhir, our intern.