Who needs Feminism?

A very common question that blocks up the mind of millions, Who need Feminism? The World needs it! Read below and know the reasons.
1. “I need feminism because I can play video games just as well, if not better, than the next guy.” 2. I need feminism because when my boyfriend told his (female) friend I was teaching him about feminism, she asked if I was “trying to turn him gay”
3. I need feminism because I live in a family (including my mom) who still think that my young brother can do things that I don’t just because I’m a woman.
4. i need feminism because my mother thinks there’s something wrong with me mentally because i don’t shave.
5. “I need feminism because when I tell my mum I’m trying a new recipe her reply shouldn’t be ‘oh you’re going to make a great wife!!!!’”
6. I need feminism because I have the right to be feminine without being considered stupid or seen as a piece of meat. Sometimes I feel like telling my coworkers “I’m an engineer, I’m smart, I’m a woman, you deal with it”. There is no way to avoid sexist people: they will always find a way to sexualize a woman. I work in a 90% male environment and I love my job, but I feel obligated to dress more masculine at work (I mean no makeup, no heels and large pants and shirts that I hate) so people won’t say I want attention or that I got a promotion because of I have breasts. Then, last week I had to hear I get attention because I touch my hair too much. I don’t even notice it, but even if I wanted to do it on purpose: its MY hair, its attached to MY head, I can touch it whenever I want and I’m not shaving it! I can’t watch my every move and fake to be someone I’m not just because some people think I’m too girly for an engineer! I deserve to be respected and judged for the work I do as much as men. ————– SOURCE: Tumblr