The Stupidest Questions About Sex On Reddit

Did you think – only you had problems with your sex-life? You really need to check out these bizarre and stupidest questions about sex, that we found on Reddit.
We almost lost our control laughing out loud, reading – “What’s the difference between an organism and an orgasm?”, “You can’t get pregnant if you’re standing up, right? Because sperm can’t swim up??”
Scroll down for all the fun!
1. “Can you get pregnant from swallowing it?”
2. “Why does my dad’s penis have bones in it and mine doesn’t?”
3. “What happens if you pee inside the girl?”
4. “Why is cum white but not black for Black people?”
5. ”You can’t get pregnant if you’re standing up, right? Because sperm can’t swim up??”
6. “Can I use a water bottle as a condom.”
7. “Why is cum white but not black for Black people?”
8. ”You can’t get pregnant if you’re standing up, right? Because sperm can’t swim up??”
9. “If there’s sugar in semen then why does it taste so bad?”
10. “Is it true if you burp during sex you come more?”