Stop Ditching Women Through Facebook!!

We should certainly offer a moment of silence to all those guys who don’t know the purpose of facebook. It is okay guys when ditching women becomes your main endeavor then you will definitely pay no heed to its intention. But let me strike a chord here, facebook is a social utility to connect with people and it is not to gully women.
“What the hell? Every girl would have said this while reading those stupid jokes on facebook which questions women’s intelligence and character. Well dude, if you really wish to tell us about our nature and astuteness then at least get the courage to do it directly. Why don’t you do that? Let me guess; you are afraid to have a head to head fight so you prefer to strike from the back?? Well, have some shame guys. Let me take you to some of those stupid jokes about women on facebook. “GOOD GIRLS ARE FOUND IN EVERY CORNER OF EARTH, BUT UNFORTUNATELY EARTH IS ROUND”. Well guys if you really want to show the world your imagination at least do it in a proper way. “Earth is round” seriously, are you kidding me? Let me warn you if you don’t even know the shape of the earth, you better don’t talk about girls. Such craps comes in many formats; take a look at another one. BOY; hey honey, I am using windows 8 in my pc. GIRL; Come on dear, I am using windows 98; I think you haven’t got the bus to 21st century, hahaha! Yes, ‘hahaha’ grow up guys; don’t show the world how cheap you are! But I should appreciate the fact that even though this joke took birth in your mind, you are so good enough to give the credit to the girls. Well, we don’t need it, thanks! Here goes another one!!!!!!!! “The guy is on his final question for 5 crore on KBC and has one life line left, ‘phone friend’ and the question was “Which bird does not make a nest?” and the options are sparrow, swallow blackbird, cuckoo. The guy is not sure so he calls his girl friend and she tells him that it is cuckoo and he wins. Later the guy calls his girl friend to thank her and asks her “how did you know that?”And the girl replies well, cuckoo lives in a clock. Well guys, if you are so proud of your stupid joke creating ability then you better put your name in place of girls. So that world will get to know about your talent and can appreciate it. Well, the coming one has crossed all the limits. “An idea to all the girls who are tired of getting so many friend requests, please do upload your photo without makeup, and no more friend requests”. Well thanks a lot for your idea, but I don’t think this will make any difference and the fact is, you desperate guys sent friend requests just by seeing a girl’s name. So we are helpless!!
Guys please don’t strain your brain too much to produce such lame jokes which actually don’t ditch women but ditch you. I can tell you that it is a total waste of time as all you get is “we don’t give a damn dude” attitude from us.
About the Author: This article is contributed by Srilekha Nambiar, our Intern.