Oh Rapunzel, My Rapunzel, Where is thou hair?

“Short hair is meant for men.” “Hey tom boy!” “Your mom already has a son. You don’t need to be one.” ….etc…etc. No, these are not all. There are hundreds or more stereotype taunts, mockeries and advices for ladies who love to or have short hair.
From every washroom indication to what we scribble on papers, women have always been characterised by long ripples of hair and men by a short and a neat haircut. And what if I say I like that shorter and neater haircut better? Does that make me a man? Does it? NO, it doesn’t. Still in some groups, there exists an intangible rulebook for women which implies: you have to have long hair to get married. You have to have those long tresses to wear saris and lehengas. You’re still a kid if you don’t have long hair. The best one, you’re not a woman if you don’t have long hair! Our class teachers are used to asking, that girls are supposed to have two braids. Our mothers are used to saying that long hairs are a mark of womanhood and virility. Our boyfriends are used to demanding long hair because they like it that way. And we ladies are supposed to fulfil all these demands and requests because it has been a legacy in our society, right? Wrong. The most entertaining post I read on a website based on the subject psychology was, that if a woman wears short hair, it means she has been through depression and therefore short hair are a sign of strength. Co-relating short hair and depression is one of the most absurd relations I have ever come across. And to talk about the strength part? Well, appearance does matter a lot but it matters differently to different people. For me, short hair is an indication of liberty. For my best friend, it is a sign of craziness. For you, it can be anything! Why should we just confide it till the term ‘strength’?
To name a few, Emma Watson, Evan Rachel and Gul Panag look absolutely feminine and gorgeous wearing short hairs and I see thousands of men going crazy for them. How can you not accept the fact that short hairs are perfectly sexy and lady-like? Long ripples have done their part in representing itself as a sign of virility for a long time now. So the next time you decide on getting those long tresses chopped off but still be drowned in ambiguity of what will people wonder, do not hold back. It is your hair and it is your choice. If that makes you feel beautiful and confident, do not give it a second thought. Do not worry; you’ll still die a female (unless you decide on other ways, if you know what I mean).
About the Author: This article is contributed by Komal Sharma, our Intern