Menstruate with Pride!

There has always been a phenomenal burden of shame on women, when people talk about periods. But why?
Ummm… Blood? Is it shameful? Don’t men bleed when they get hurt? Is that shameful? Nah…
So, why do women have to hear quotes like- “You are not allowed to enter the temple when you are menstruating?”
God made women, he made periods. He does not consider men or women unequal. It’s we as a human, who have been degrading the fairer sex on their menstruation. Rules are attached to menstruating women. Taboos have been defined by our society and also enforced by them. And with taboos surrounding women, I am sure there would be some women who feel even more disgraced about their periods, then they feel natural.
With this, women seem to have accepted this taboo that they are monthly rotten. While women have to deal with this monthly cycle full of pain, do you think there is anything else needed to bother them? Those mood swings, sanitary napkins full of blood, even blood on cloth sometimes and most importantly the pain in their stomach, back, thighs and where not?
No, I am not mentioning all this for you to pity me or any other women for that matter. We don’t need it anyway.
Men have been trying hard to keep us down by all the means and this is why the rules have been made for women, not only related to menstruation, but freedom, our body and everything, and some women, as I already mentioned have been an active player in this process of making men superior.

We don’t know who made these rules that Women can’t touch religious books or visit a temple in their menses. But we have been following it blindly, because our parents told us.
In an attempt to overcome my bitterness for cramps, smelly red gloop and sore breasts and rashes, I take a pledge for not binding myself with the rules of menses which have been imposed on me.
God made me, and he made periods. I will not let my periods affect my religious feelings and religious touch and
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Ishita Kapoor. Ishita sees her passion in writing and hopes to change the world by not only giving them their piece of mind, but also receiving their opinion and then judging what’s correct. She is also the Co – founder of Respect Women and an initiator in making people get their voices heard.