Let’s celebrate girls! Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao!

Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently launched the ‘Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao’ campaign (Save Girl Child, Educate Her). This initiative is an appreciative step as it aims to address gender imbalance and discrimination against the girl child. The Prime Minister said, “People say in old age sons come in handy. Had that been true, so many old age homes would not have opened. Sons have cars and bungalows and yet, many times, parents remain in old age homes. On the other hand, there are innumerable daughters who work hard to keep their parents happy. If girls get the chance, they perform better than boys”(TheHindu).
Without females our country’s future would be doomed. So, every individual should support the campaign in every possible way, as it would pave way for a prosperous society.The simplest thing that all of us can do is to create awareness among the ignorant people who still segregate the girl child. Spread the word about the cause and let’s fight female foeticide and female infanticide. Enlighten those ignorant minds, who hold biased views about having a daughter. Illuminate them about the girl power and teach them to celebrate the birth of girls. The campaign aims not just to save the girls but also to educate them .We would stand nowhere in development, if the female ratio goes down in the field of education. We have just started to grow and if we need to make a big difference in the world we have to educate and empower girls. We being girls, we want our world to be safe for us to go out even in the dark hours. We want our nation to be safe enough for us to wear whatever we choose to, without being molested and gawked at. We wish to marry the guy of our own choice. This first step to save and educate the girl child would someday lead to the fulfilment of every girl’s wish. So people, get to know about the value of a girl and the remarkable difference she can make. ‘Save the girl child and educate her!’ because they say “when you educate a girl, you educate a nation”. Without girls life on earth is impossible. Let’s celebrate girls!
About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Ashima Sachdeva.