If men too are controlled!

The patriarchal society strictly enforces a set of codes just for women like being properly dressed! It remains a riddle as to what ‘proper’ refers to in this context since all women are stared at badly by the so called men! For patriarchy to become more tolerable, men too should be reminded to follow a set of rules which shall be dealt with in the next paragraph.
Firstly, they must lower their gaze (as Islam orders men along with women). Secondly, they should not wear bright colours that may attract attention. Thirdly, they must not try to expose their arms or legs. If only these rules are followed, a particular set of wild mentality could be tamed who blame women for their shameful deeds. Just this thought is enough to reflect on what a woman goes through when norms are thrown over her. If strict laws are enforced, no gang of ruffians would be able to loiter over the dark streets at night and remain inside their houses. Why phrases like ‘Don’t go out’, ‘dress appropriately’, ‘laugh slowly’, are always applied to females only? Imagine the world where men are controlled, ‘hush, don’t burst with thundering laughter’, ‘gaze down, women are passing’, ‘don’t you dare sing on the streets’. Incredibly amazing world, indeed it would be!
Since the day a girl is born, she realizes bit by bit, how scary the world she inhabits is! It begins with nightmare of ghastly strangers, ghosts, etc. and becomes the constant fear of something unpleasant, lurking outside her home. She could live a more complete and happy life if only men too are controlled. How long will women ignore the dark realities of their frightening world? If men too are controlled, she too can protect herself well, can live and not just breathe, can succeed and not just dream, can built a better world and not just hope! Some unfortunate little girls are badly treated and assaulted, some married women are beaten very often, and some are raped by hypocrite lovers. Every night and every day, some mishap happens deteriorating the quality of our world. Hardly such criminals are punished and they keep on committing more and more sins, until captivated by death. What can we do? Nothing big, I guess, but to speak out and fight for other’s rights as well and make sure that vulgarities are rewarded with punishments. Even a little kindness makes a big difference only if we succeed in coming out of our own zones to change the world. Since ages and time unknown, women have suffered under the hands of not just men but women as well. Hence there’s an immense need to make this world peaceful and to control those who must be controlled!
About the Author: This article is contributed by Anam Fatima, our intern.