I am tough, ambitious and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay!

Do you have a problem if I can live alone, earn a living and spend a happy life? Ohhh!!! You people can’t digest that. I know, all of you were pretty comfortable seeing us behind men, seeing us within the precincts of our house. You didn’t have any problem with our existence until we abide by your rules and regulations, until we were under your control. Not now, surely! Now you will get to see a new ‘us’ and you cannot accept this change all of a sudden. I no more care about what you think of me and what biases you carry against me. I won’t give a damn about that.
Now, we will take lead and decide things for ourselves. We won’t accept your nonsensical guidelines that restrict us. We will do every work that we feel like; we will enter every field that we chose. If you have any problem with us, we don’t have a solution for that. It would be better if you understand that it is a new, 360-degree change. We will not hold our steps back, no matter what obstacle you pit in our way. I am tough! Say anything about me, I will smile and keep walking forward. If you pelt stones at me with your rude words, I will just keep quiet and show you my power in the end, by achieving what I want. This toughness will throw away all the hindrance and I will create my own path. I am ambitious! I know what heights I have to achieve. I am born to conquer the highest peak. I won’t settle for less. I will take every possible step for achieving that which can help me lead a happy and successful life. Now I am not dependent on anyone. I alone can earn a good living for myself. I know exactly what I want! I have cleared all the clouds of doubt. I will walk on the right path and achieve the glorious end. I am free and independent bird. Nothing can stop me! Ultimately I will reach where you won’t even be able to touch me. As Roman Payne asserts, “She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderers, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. ‘Time’ for her isn’t something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water.”
About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Ruchi Sarin.