”Free her from the fire of dowry”

Indian community is one such community who carry out the institution of organizing marriages with a huge pomp and show. This lavish affair reaches such an extent that the parents are forced to spend their whole savings on the marriage of their child. And if the parents leave no stone unturned to please the groom’s family then why still India faces dowry issues? Why still we have cases of domestic violence in which dowry is the king pin?
Firstly, dowry isn’t the same from time immemorial. It began when parents of the girl wanted to give their some blessings to the daughter and they did this, by offering her some gifts. Gifts that could range from a piece of jewellery to a fully fledged apartment in posh locality. But soon, this tradition of dowry got converted into a kind of material opportunity. “If you can’t give us a house, we won’t marry your girl, if you can’t afford a single car of 10 lakhs for your girl, then why should we take your child? We want car in ring ceremony, house during the marriage and a foreign trip of 5 days 6 nights for all the family members, as a gift for all the in laws of girls, during the reception” Such dialogues are easy to hear in a typical Indian marriage.
Are they getting their children married or their money united? Are these people aiming at good happy married life or simply exploiting the girl as slave? I just want to ask all the parents of these girls, are you selling your girl? Is losing a daughter isn’t enough for you that you want to fulfill these stupid demands? Today, I am taking a pledge, that I am going to marry at my own conditions. If my in laws demand a single penny in dowry then I won’t get married in such a family. I have done my bit, wake up, now it’s your turn to spread awareness. — About the author: The article has been s contributed by our intern, Prashansa Ranjan. She is pursuing B.A. from Christ University, Bangalore. She is a firm believer of the Gandhian qoute-” Be the change you want to see in the world”. She writes poems and articles in her free time, she believes that every woman should be equal to men in all respects. This equality can be achieved when we start from scratch; the process of restructuring the social mindsets.