Female Entrepreneurship

Under performance of a person when linked to his or her gender is the peak of unfairness. Time and again, women in the management field have busted the myth. The stereotypes get broken when they step out of their houses and prove the world their entrepreneurship potential. There are not just few as was the case earlier, but the number is ever increasing. Many have joined the club now but there is scope for even more. Female enterprises and start-ups have started to swarm in exponentially, now. This can be associated with the psychological development among them. Women are more educated now, more confident, more independent!
Those women who do not explore the business world outside end up starting home based ventures. They are ready to take risk at par with their male counterparts and have solemnized to manage well. “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels”, says Maya Angelou and most of them are venturing in that path. Hard work is needed whether you are man or woman, but one will have to work extra hard if she is a woman entrepreneur. All the successful women entrepreneurs would admit that. They are not only creating jobs for themselves but also for others. This is the reason why the economic growth is getting advanced and their work is acknowledged. Very recently, the company law of the land underwent an overhaul, to actively encourage women’s empowerment and participation in the business world. It is made compulsory to recruit at least one woman director in the board of the company. This will benefit the women employees of the company as and when required. Their problems will be addressed more effectively and keenly.
Women’s emancipation is a pre-requisite for developing a good nation; the women population should be open to learning. What we need to see and learn is that there should not be just a handful of names like Kiran Majumdar, Chanda Kocchar, Ekta Kapoor, etc. The prominent mentions should run into a list of lakhs. Women’s family obligation should never be a hurdle from becoming a successful entrepreneur. Formulating women oriented policies is never against equality, in fact it is the positive differentiation needed to promote women entrepreneurship. There should be continuous monitoring as well as training programmes which will be focused on bringing out the business aspect of women in a systematic manner. It cannot be ignored that there are abundant regulations as well as law framework but there is lack of implementation. Not only this, the efforts of government are supplemented by various associations and NGOs. It is also apparent that the adequate funding does not reach the women population, so at times due to monetary constraints, they step back. The way forward requires literacy of women and awareness among people. It is time to realize the female potential in this field and stand as an example for other countries. The opportunities should be created for both men and women equally but women’s exposure and access to markets should be enhanced. The capacity building programs are the buzzwords. Enable women, strengthen the nation.
About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Aishwarya Dhakarey.