“Beauty, Thy Name is Woman, Beauty is inherent in you”

Have you ever gazed into the mirror and have been bothered about a miniscule pimple, dark circle, tanned skin, or bad hair? Most of the women are very much concerned about the way they look but, do you know something? You are most beautiful with all those blemishes and imperfections. Yes, you really do! The beauty of a woman lies not in the perfection but in her imperfections. All those blemishes, stretch marks, tanning, bruises are symbolic of the fact that you have grown up into a much more prettier being. In fact, being a woman is the most beautiful thing in the world. The apt synonym for ‘beauty’ is ‘woman’. Nowadays, women have developed a disbelief in their own beauty instead they are yearning to look more beautiful. That’s because, the modern definition of ‘beauty’ has been oriented towards ‘perfection due to the advancements of the techie world‘. And now, beauty has taken a new form. Beauty is not beauty, unless it is flawless. To put it straight, only ‘flawless beauty’ will be considered beautiful.
Maybe, films have clouded people’s eyes from reality and have enticed them to an illusionary world, where ‘beauty’ means ‘nothing less than perfection’. And people are easily carried away by the fancies and fantasies picturized. No doubt that films are the best form of entertainment and that they fantasize an impeccable world for which anyone would covet for. But the problem, arises when people know not the demarcating line between illusion and reality.
Both men and women are easily carried away by the ravishing and flawless beauties onscreen. Men dream of that sort of perfectly beautiful women to be their brides. And women, on the other hand, start seeking ways to be that perfected form of beauty. It is high-time to have a reality check–Imperfections are the most beautiful part of women.
Barbara Kingsolver gives her brilliant piece of wisdom saying, “LISTEN, don’t believe in fairy tales! After that happy-ever-after wedding, they never tell you the rest of the story. Even if you get to marry the prince, you still wake up in the morning with your mouth tasting like drain cleaner and your hair all flat on one side.” Don’t you feel it to be a blatant truth?” So, realize! Don’t mess reality with the illusion. It is beautiful to be clumsy and to have flaws. Don’t let that tiny pustule ruin your happiness. By the way, there is nothing wrong in trying to look good. Do whatever would make you feel that you are beautiful but don’t fail to acknowledge the real ‘you’-that imperfect ‘you’. The one you really are. You deserve all praise in this world. Fall in love with your stretch marks, with your full round hips, your unruly hair, your blemished skin and most importantly fall in love with the way you are. You are more beautiful than what the looking glasses and the selfies show! Because, “Beauty, Thy Name is Woman. Beauty is inherent in YOU!”
————– About the Author: This article is contributed by Gayathri Devi. Gayathri has completed her M.Phil. in English Literature from Tamilnadu. Literature instilled her in the thoughts of feminism. And gradually, she was attracted towards this concept and she says it has changed many of her perspectives towards our community & that is how she landed to Respect Women.