Are homemakers really the “non-working class”?

My mother wakes up at 5:00 am, does the household chores then wakes us up, prepares our breakfast and sends us to college. Then she packs my father’s lunch and sends him to office. Then she completes her household chores and starts preparing the lunch. When we come back, she feeds us lunch, and then she has her lunch. Then my father arrives, she serves him the lunch and does the dishes. By then, it is time for evening tea and snacks. She prepares that and starts thinking as what to cook for dinner. After that the preparation for dinner starts, we all have it and she also has it at last, does the dishes and then goes to sleep when she is completely exhausted. The same is her routine the next day and for seven days a week and 365 days a year.
Just see the above schedule and tell me, when do our mothers get any free time? Do they even get to spend 5-10 minutes as free time? From morning 5″00 am till night 10:00 pm., they are on their feet. They work for 15-16 hours regularly every day. Without complaining, they work happily for us. But is it morally right? Why is it considered a housewife’s duty to do the household work 7 days a week? We have our Sundays to enjoy and refresh. On the other side, on Sundays our mothers have the busiest schedule. Our day of enjoyment becomes their over time day. We are the working class, working 7-8 hours a day and 5-6 days a week. And our mothers are the “non-working class, working 15-16 hours a day and 7 days a week”. So, are they really the “non-working class”? You should ask yourself this. The answer is quite obvious—‘No’. When on some odd day she gets frustrated and tired, you end up asking “what have you done all day?”. Guys, show some humanity! All the males should understand one thing, you have married her and you haven’t bought a free worker for your house. At the end of the day she just needs a little bit of your love. Today when you reach home give your mother a hug and say thank you. That will be her greatest reward. All the husbands, when you reach home sit with your partner and plan a vacation to the place of her choice. She will never demand anything from you, but at least you do something for these “workers who do not have a regular time off and who are the vacation-less class”.
About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Ruchi Sarin.