5 Things Which Make Women The ‘Super Creatures’

People often become opinionated when it comes to the role of a woman in their lives, or how much they need women in their lives. Here are 5 things which make women the ‘super creatures’. Take a look: 1.There are life-giving creatures who own the ‘tiara’: We owe all the mothers the lives this world has, who selflessly carried the babies and raised them to be better humans, with or without the help of men. They give birth to the future.
2.Multitasking is their daily job, which they do selflessly without getting paid: They can do multiple tasks simultaneously. From completing household chores to power point presentations, from making lunch boxes to the bed time stories, a woman manages them all single handedly without complaining, and yet manages to look her best.
3.They make things simpler ‘for everyone’: They multiply everything. When you make her happy she makes you happier. She has a solution to your every problem. She is the only person you’d think of when you’re drowning in the ocean of conflicting thoughts. She brings peace to your mind and soul.
4.They are observant, very observant : They know everything about you, whether you tell them or not. They can tell you what you are hiding by merely looking at your face. They possess the superpower; instincts. They always know about the result of whatever you do. Whether it’d be a secret affair, incoming sickness or happiness or difficulty, women know them all.
5.Unconditional love, you know how women are like, so adorable: They love with all their heart. They are ready to go to every extent to make you smile. They know the art of forgiving people and giving them a second chance to be better than before. They care for you, support you, trust you selflessly without expecting anything from you in return. Whatever they do, they do with all their heart whether its their office work or the household chores. And that’s what makes them different from everyone else.
——————– About the Author: This article is contributed by Shreya Agarwal, our intern.