5 Things To Learn From Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian West remains a fascinating figure in pop culture. The astronomical rise of her family name from obscurity to international fame is both noteworthy and admirable. Despite this stunning success, Kim continues to be a subject of ridicule. The fact is, by mainstream standards of success, The Kardashians are winners. With over 30 million Twitter and Instagram followers, a top mobile app, a hit TV show and a super-successful fashion line, we ALL should sit up and take note of Mrs. Kardashian-West. Here are just a few things we can learn from Mrs. Kardashian-West:
1) Sell yourself: From her humble beginnings as amateur semi-porn star to her illustrious position today, Kim K has always stuck to her guns. Her interest in fashion has spurred a widely sold fashion line. Her latest publishing- a selfie book takes on another interest of her. Even the mega-hit reality show that spurred all this popularity—Keeping up with the Kardashian—basically sells Kim and her family being a more dramatized version for themselves, playing up to yet another of her skills- being dramatic. Kim Rule number one: Stick to what you’re good at.
2)Love your body: Kim Kardashian body is quickly becoming the stuff of legends. What people often forget is that when Kim first began her rise to power, the ideal body-shape wasn’t the dramatic hourglass figure that is quickly becoming popular, but instead a slimmer physique. Kim, however, always gloried in her curves and knew how to dress for them. She works hard for her body, her sex appeal and her looks and is proud of it. If her selfie book Selfish, isn’t proof enough, just check out the hundreds of uploads on her Instagram page.
3)Keep your family close: Kim’s fame and fortune is undoubtedly tided to that of her family. Their collective rise to superstardom has them being referred to by some as American Royalty. This highlights and important lesson- Family First. From her extended maternal family to her new Family with rap star Kanye West, Kim stays family oriented, and profits from it. Every time the Family Name gets mentioned, everyone gets a little more money. Plus, the loyalty that comes with family is hard to get anywhere else in Hollywood.
4) Love those who love you: Kim always plays to her fans. Her constant presence on social media is only one bit of evidence to that. Mrs. Kardashian-West does her best to maintain her fan base even as she evolves as an individual. From famous sex-object to entrepreneur and designer to mother, Kim always does her best to remain attractive to her fans and family. Lesson here being: grow as a person but stay true to who you her. In her case that is a beautiful capitalists living a luxury life full of drama.
5) Stay modern: Kim is always on the newest trends, from curating the latest fashion to developing a new app, she remains up-to-date with the world. This allows her to always be able to get her name out there, and as someone who is famous for being famous, getting her name out there is key. The Kardashian always profit on the latest social media trends, and use them wisely. This is probably why she is the individual with the most Instagram followers in the world, with her sisters close behind her. All in all, Kim K may not be perfect, but she has lessons to teach us all. Maybe hours watching Kourtney and Kim Take Miami isn’t a waste after all.
About the Author: This article is contributed by Uchechi Odikanwa, our intern.