15 Things Only Girls Who Went To All-Girls School Will Understand

Did you attend an all-girls school? Some of us did and we all have fond memories of our eventful school days.
1. Adjusting skirt length, folding sleeves, magically shifting from two ponytails to one
2. Romantic novels like Mills and Boon, Temptations etc. were more popular than textbooks
3. Having crush on the only 2 male teachers in school
4. Most exciting day – when guys from All-Boys School visited your campus
5. What if we didn’t have boys, we had admirers among ourselves
6. Girl says she has a boyfriend, whole class goes crazy
7. You could ask just about anyone for a sanitary napkin
8. You never had to worry about upskirt issues
9. You get used to high pitched noise and develop super human eardrums 
10. School functions? You could change clothes anywhere
11. You used to tease boys from the school bus
12. Don’t want to attend physical training class? No problem, fake periods!
13. During holidays, visit best friend’s place. Return home with a crush on her brother
14. Have secrets? Keep it to yourself or the whole school knows.
15. Finally, every girl swears, “This is it. I’m NEVER going to an all-girls college”
Come what may, we made the best of friends during our school days. Love them, hate them but you just can’t ignore them.
Those were the days.