10 Ways to Celebrate Daughters’ Week

Make sure to celebrate with your daughter this week; I have listed a few suggestions on ways to celebrate below. Our daughter Sophia, is amazing: her wisdom is far beyond her years, her compassion and deep understanding of others helps to make our family better each day.
1. Write her a letter sharing how you feel about her.
2. Go to the park and just walk together; allow her to direct the conversation
3. Get a mani/pedi: even my tomboy loves her feet pampered.
4. Hit her favorite lunch or dinner spot.
5. Watch her favorite movie together.
6. Have her Dad take out for a special date.
7. Cook her favorite meal together.
8. Read her favorite stories.
9. Look through old photos of her together and talk about each one.
10. Be in the moment with her.
SOURCE: Waldorfsaladandcottagefries