Advantages of a girl’s college

Everybody seems to go gaga over co-education as it bridges the gap between the two genders. However, since pre-historic days convent schools and colleges have been given much relevance too. Convent schools and girls college are being opened to foster girl’s education.Nevertheless, the girls college are being considered as having the “oomph factor”. The girls who choose to study in an all girls environment are so much hyped about. These girls are pitied upon and judged for anything and everything from time to time. But is it really that bad an experience? After conducting a small scale survey with the girls studying in a non co-ed environment in and around Delhi, I listed down some of the pros and cons of studying in an all-girl’s college. After having successfully completed my survey with the right intent; here are of the some indispensable but genuine advantages of studying in an all-girl’s college-
1. NO ONE TO JUDGE So when you enter into a girl’s college you find yourself amidst homo sapiens of the same sex which gives you the added solace and comfort. You might find yourself in a mess when you wake up at ten to eight, for a class at nine. But no worries ma’am. Just brush your teeth for the sake of it and get ready in your pyjamas and weird hairdo. It’s just that no one seems to give a damn about how you dress up in a girl’s college. Being in a girl’s college, you don’t need to pay attention to your smeared kajal or oily hair because there is no one out in the college going to judge on your bad hair day. Even if some of those gossips go around you can just choose you save your ass with that perfect look at an upcoming girl party.
2. HAPPY PARENTS You may have swaying views about your fate which ultimately landed you up in an all-girl’s college, but your parents are more than happy. For them yours is like the best college ever built. They feel secure, pleased and thankful to your fate. You can always take advantage of this carefree attitude of theirs and hang out with your guy friends from school or any other means whenever you want to. Just in case, if they do ask you about your whereabouts, just keep calm and invent your own version of a Pooja or a Shalini with whom you might have gone for a window shopping.
3. EYE CANDY You may not ask for it directly, but you along with your group will never stop getting that special attention from the guys of nearby colleges. They perhaps get used to the glamour in their own campuses which make them go nuts and crackers over girls from other colleges, especially the ones from an all-girl’s college who are always style updated. And no doubt that’s the reason why so many guys stand near a girl’s college just to get a glimpse of the girls.
4. LIMITED FOCUS Well, on a serious note, being away from the fascinations of a co-ed system, you get to focus better on your studies and don’t go off your limits. After all, college builds the foundation of an entire career which lies ahead. You get far better opportunities to excel in your education and get to enjoy a healthy competition. There is a huge scope of learning and attaining knowledge to the depth without any interference from those over smart guys who are perhaps born with all the technical stuff in built. If you have it in you to really learn and manage your own life independently, then an all-girl arrangement is not such a bad option after all. These are some of the reasons that account for the advantages of single- sex education.While a girl’s college has its own fun but co-education is equally good too.What actually matters is that girls should get education and fulfill their dreams, college is just a medium in the whole journey. So if you are in a girl’s college then go crazy with your girlfriends and if you are in a co-ed college then even go crazy with your girlfriends.
About the Author: This article is contributed by Bhavya Poddar, our Intern.