Sixty-six-year-old granny runs ‘marathon’ in a saree

19 December 2013,
At 66, most people would have retired and exercise for them is usually a slow-paced morning walk. That’s not the case with Lata Bhagwan Kare though. A resident of Pimpli in Maharashtra, Kare surprised everyone at the local marathon last weekend. To run your first marathon at 66 is surprising but to be faster than your much younger opponents is nothing short of a miracle. Lata Bhagwan Kare did just that at the Baramati Marathon in Maharashtra. Kare’s dress code was a traditional Maharashtrian saree, and no shoes at all! She won the senior citizen’s category running 3 km and was awarded a cash prize of Rs 5000 and a certificate. Over 9500 people participated in the race in four categories but clearly the highlight was the 66-year-old farm worker. After running her first marathon Kare, who is a grandmother, now wants to run more races. With better footwear and running gear, you never know, she could just be another Fauja Singh in the making. ————- SOURCE: Sports NDTV