How Important It Is For Us To Recognize & Celebrate Our Heroes & She-Roes

Whenever a good act is performed by any person, he/she is called as a ‘Hero’. It has become a cliché to appreciate someone by giving them the title of a Hero. But it seems like some people have taken the literal phonetic breakup of this term ‘HE-ro’ seriously. They have accepted that any act of bravery and courage can be done only by a “he” i.e. a male. Every time your son performs a good deed, he is applauded. But when your daughter does any good deed, it is considered her duty or it is presumed that she will do it as a responsibility and she isn’t applauded. Why so? The answer is we have forgotten to recognize our “she-roes”.
We, women, have marked our place in the society. We have worked hard to make our existence here. Even when you neglected and crushed us, we fought for our rights. We have now reached our place where we stand beside you and in fact a step ahead of you. We are managing our house as well as our profession. We are dealing with our children and our bosses. We are always on our feet. But still you don’t appreciate us. You still feel that we haven’t done anything. I sincerely feel the reason for this is that we had been brought up with such misconceptions since childhood. Always our brothers were appreciated for even a small good act but we weren’t. Everyone talks of gender equality, ending discrimination against women, and curbing gender bias. All these cannot be achieved only by enacting big plans and policies, which are initiated by the government. Each individual has to contribute to it. If you sincerely feel that females should be given equal status in the society then you yourself have to start first. How long will you neglect us? Instead, start recognizing the women power.]
I think, the men are afraid that if we are recognized then they will lose their superiority. Women are banging in every field, a step ahead of you in every area, then why everyone takes a step back when it comes to encouraging or appreciating us? Your simple act of applauding us will make us feel that we too are valued. We are not asking for anything more than this. But when our efforts go useless it kills us from inside and that fire within us starts getting dim. So, if you really want us to come up then start recognizing our efforts. And as far as the women are concerned, every woman should stand up for another. Don’t wait for anyone else to appreciate you. We ourselves can be of great support to each other.
About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Ruchi Sarin.