Girls above society

Girls above society

She was never born.., She is manipulated.., She is senseless of being governed, But still, She is UNBEATABLE !

Our girls can walk on moon, but are feared to walk on empty road, our girls can speak in seminars but are threatened if their voice is raised at home. Even though they can become governor but they are governed by father, husband and even caste. Yes, we live in a society which is full of inequalities and gender discrimination. One will have to accept that it exists, it exists in every other system at much grass root level. They don’t even have right to their own name, what other kinds of rights you will talk about? How ridiculously they are treated as somebody’s property? Yes, it’s true that just not changing name after marriage is not all going to work, but thing is about sense, which is lost, in themselves, of not knowing being treated as things, and not human!

Hence, the question arrives at stage of marriage, if a couple get married, there should be equality in everything they do. Why should there be partiality? Many times, men try to show off their earnings even if both have similar qualifications but girls are made to be at home, and if there’s lack of money, then are made to work. Partiality is not just after marriage, it’s also before it, when they are being prepared for it, right from birth! I still remember, one of my younger sister (cousin) was made to learn cooking, but not the elder brother (cousin), instead he was made to focus on studies as a result, she soon started to love cooking; one can easily point out the partiality in childhood when one is given bat, and other a doll! Hence, by impact of society and environment, She is being made, she was never born!

Another question is why the society laughs if a man stays at home to  look after the child while the woman goes for job. I’m not saying it’s a fault of girls but it is the fault of the society, where we work, live and die. Such robust society makes her senseless of being governed, she follows her mom, and which had earlier followed grand mom. I don’t know how many of you have figured out, the major reasons behind violence on women, discrimination etc. but the answer lies within.


About the author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Shubham Halle.

Ishita Kapoor

Ishita Kapoor

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