Feminists are not Female Chauvinists

Several people have this misconception that just as there are male chauvinists existing in the patriarchal society, similarly there are female chauvinists too. But, it’s a complete misinterpretation. Being a Feminist isn’t bad, because we stand up for our gender. We stand up for EQUAL rights; not for something that we don’t deserve. Being a feminist means being able to stand for EQUAL Women Rights, nothing else. It doesn’t mean you look at women being much better than men or you fight for things that women deserve more than men. It only means you fight for what you deserve. Obviously, not a lot of men are feminists, but whatever few the numbers are, they might be increasing today, which is definitely a good thing.
In several countries, not just men but even women discriminate against women. But why? Being a feminist means so much to women themselves, so why discriminate amongst women based on their caste, color, religion, size, etc. Being a feminist means surpassing all the others of other fellow women and fighting for their rights. However, if women would have been treated equally, there never would have been feminists in the first place. And one thing, everyone must know, feminists are not always angry. Their anger is provoked, and that provocation makes them react aggressively towards inequality that occurs around them. So, don’t ever condemn a feminist for being “unnecessarily” angry. You can’t be randomly angry at people, there’s always a reason behind that anger, and it depends on you to seek the hidden reason. Sometimes, feminists discriminate against other women because of the way they are portrayed in the media. Women today are only portrayed as sex-objects on screen, not realizing the type of audience watching this. It’s not only ridiculous and disgusting but also provoking aggressiveness in the women. When a Feminist fights for Equal rights, she fights for every woman in the world, whether fat or skinny, short or tall and even dead or alive. So, if you’re a feminist, buck up because it’s not easy in a world where men rule or assume themselves to be the rulers.
Everyone asks a man about his fantasy, but why doesn’t anyone asks a woman about the same? And the only answer we get from men about their fantasy is that they want nude girls all around them, some dancing, some serving, some sitting, but all nude. If this is the picture in your head too, then you need a brainwash. Trust me, because if feminists were asked about their fantasy, they’d probably talk about castrating the rapists and killing the men who misbehave with them. We women have a lot of work to do for the country, so let’s hold hands and get there together. Even though we have 49% of India’s votes and not 50%, we will still continue to fight for our rights, not the rights to be superior to men, but to be equal, equal in everything because that’s what feminism is.
About the Author: This article is contributed by Sonia David, our Intern. Sonia is a funky and sweet girl who is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communicative English from Jyoti Nivas College, Autonomous in Bangalore. She loves writing, sketching and reading. She believes that women deserve much more and together, women can turn the world right side up!