Be a ‘MARD’ -Men against Rape & Discrimination

Like millions of others, I too have been deeply disturbed by the increasing rate of atrocities against women in this country. Despite of all the endeavors taken by various educational institutes, NGO’s, political parties and decent and educated people of the society these atrocities on women are on a rise. Even after six decades of independence we could not provide utter independence to our women. They have to face the discrimination against their male counterparts at each and every point of life at their home, school, college, work-place and so-on. We see all the newspapers and news channels these days are flooded with the news of female foeticide, dowry deaths, rape cases, eve-teasing and the list goes on.
Besides sexual assaults women in India have to deal with sexual harassment and sexual abuses on a daily basis. It happens on the streets, at public places and behind the closed doors. Whistling, Cat calling, lewd remarks have now become a part of a woman’s life. This shows that our society needs a change as a whole. In this dismal scenario people like Farhan Akhtar have lit a ray of hope through organizations like MARD (Men against Rape & Discrimination). Each man of this country should come forward to support movements like this. Each boy of this country has to grow up to become a “GENTLEMAN”, who in thought, word and action will always respect women. A woman should feel safe in her company. He should stand for woman rights and accept her as an equally important part of this society. He should respect woman irrespective of her age, caste, creed and color. He should try to be her real friend, companion and confidant. He should venerate women for her mind, body and soul and ensure that her dignity will never be compromised.
It’s high time when India should adopt “ZERO TOLERANCE” against women crimes and discrimination and condemn all types of violence against them. Men of this country have to understand that women are also human and they also have same aspirations, goals and emotions like men. When they are happy they radiate their happiness which fills their families and society with love, warmth and optimism. I hope all the men of this country took a pledge to respect the women and make this world a better place to live in for their mothers, sisters and daughters. Remember “Men of Quality Respect Women’s Equality”. Show women love and respect and show this world that you are a real man. “Every time I look into the mirror, I want to see a man whose mother, sister, wife and daughter are proud to call their own.” – Farhan Akhtar
————- ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is contributed by Aaina Kapur, our intern.