A Guy’s Will

He no more remains a human; he forgets all his traits… He goes wild like an animal, whenever he sees the open gates… The gates which lead him to a darker side… The gates which make him steal a girls pride… Yes, he has more power in his arms… Which he misuses against her, to cause her big harms… He talks big about respect and pride… But he is the one who makes her feel tied… It doesn’t make a difference to him even if she shouts loud for freedom… And this is why she hates being with him. Yes, this is the biggest reason. He loses self control with a mere sight of flesh… Just to satisfy his lust, he makes her a complete mess… This action is not a crime, but an abuse to humanity… This is a dumb greed, to show his insanity… The world must realize this, and make a move… A move in favor of her pride and give her a chance to prove… Cause she is the one who bears extreme pain to give him birth… So not him, but she should have all the rights on this earth…
————— ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Ishita kapoor. Ishita sees her passion in writing and hopes to change the world by not only giving them their piece of mind, but also receiving their opinion and then judging what’s correct. She is also the Co – founder of Respect Women and an initiator in making people get their voices heard.