What if your Mother/Wife goes missing one day?

What if your Mother/Wife goes missing one day?

You stay at home all day!! What do you do the whole day? These are the questions; women have to intermittently give justification for! Why is it that the housewives are looked down upon? Why is it that even after laboring for day-night, day long, she has to face such irrelevant and ludicrous questions? Why isn’t she given that deference that she deserves and that every working woman gets!

Housewives are rightly said to be the ‘makers of the house’. From getting the house dressed every day to comforting her children, from feeding them to washing their clothes, from taking care of her in-laws to fulfilling every wish of her husband, and from entertaining guests to remembering what everyone else has forgotten; is what she has to do everyday! Is this any less of what men do at their work? She is not even remunerated for this! What does she asks for then? Just a little praise for her work; love from her family, and a little help from her husband? They say we work all day from 9:00 to 5:00. What do the housewives do, then? Nothing all day! How is that; everytime the men enter the house, they find it impeccable? Their tea is ready on the table without even their asking for it? Who does it? It is their wives, their mother who without even their saying do everything they desire for! Yes, I would say this is also a form of persecution on the women. And this is not what happens with her every day on the streets. This is what she faces every day at her home itself not from any stranger but from her family itself. So, from now on, every time you question your mother or your wife, just think once! What if she goes missing one day? Who will be responsible for your daily chores?

All I urge is for you to stop for a while from your busy schedule and thank her, be obliged and indebted to her for what she has given and whatever she will give you in the years to come! Make her happy, tell her how much you love her and respect her for being with you all the time without any egocentric feeling!

————- ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is contributed by  Shuma Bhanik, our intern.

Ishita Kapoor

Ishita Kapoor

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